Sucking her thumb at The Raber's house for the BBQ!

Those baby blues will probably get her out of a lot of trouble, I fear...

We have a wee bit of a TV problem....She situated herself this way to get a better view. Someone else in the Francis family loves reality TV, I see....

Close up after the BBQ..E is looking a little tired!
Our little munchkin is 12 weeks old. Honestly, I sound like a broken record, but Scott and I cannot believe that she is already 12 weeks old. We have had such fun the past 2 weeks because in that time, her personality to really starting to emerge. She LOVES to "talk" which most of the time sounds like a screaming howl. Really high pitched. It is the sweetest howl/scream I have ever heard. She LOVES talking to Daddy. Anytime she sees him, she starts to talk. She also loves people. She listens to people talking and will smile at just about anyone. I tend to think that she is gifted at reading auras. She is kinda picky about who she hands out smiles to, sometimes......
I wanted to post some updated pics of our girl. I love her so much...more and more every week. Is this even possible? Favorite part of the day is waking up to her smiling face. She rarely wakes up in a bad mood these days....
Love to you all!
Francis Family
Francis Family
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