Gramdma Peg and Grandpa have been here this week and are having such a great time spending time with Ella! We went for some walks, brunch and even made it to church. Ella loves being around people and being social =)
We went to our 2nd week dr. appt on Monday and we got glowing praises for weight and development. She has gained 11 oz in a week! She has outgrown all of her newborn onesies!! She is now 8 lbs 14 oz. And, would you believe, on Sunday night, we were all sitting around after dinner talking about a zagat food survey and daddy mentioned that Panera salads got rated for their salads. Well, Peggy and I were quite excited and started laughing about something and Ella chimed in with a certified giggle that lasted at least 3 seconds! I have 2 witnesses. We were all shocked and amazed. She then smiled and giggled one more time after that! We were all shocked! Dr. Newport told us that while rare, it is entirely possible for her to laugh this early. She was really impressed! We, of course, know that our Ella is something special so we weren't too surprised to hear that she was ahead of the curve!
We continue to feel so blessed and happy every day to have her in our lives. God has been so good to us and we are so thankful for Ella and our family and friends!
I went a little overboard on the pictures but couldn't help it....
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