We went to the doctor on Friday for our weekly appointment and we got to see our little girl on the big screen again! It is always exciting to see her. Just her little heart beat alone is the most amazing thing to hear. She is a lot bigger in there now so things are a little harder to discern these days. The sonographer told me that our little one has "cute chubby cheeks". I have scanned a picture of the cheeks but honestly, I cannot tell that they are cheeks! Can Y'all?
We also got to meet another doctor in the group. One of the first things she said was, "oh, your husband must be tall because your baby's legs are long! 75th-100th percentile!" Um, no....both of us are pretty averaage sized?! Apparently, her femur bone is measuring somewhere b/w those percentiles. We will see when she arrives!
Daddy and I had a nice, long dinner outside on Friday night. We have had a stressful couple of weeks with changes coming up and it was just so nice to have a laid back dinner with just the two of us (eeekkk! not for too much longer)!
On Saturday, Scotty and I headed down to the White Sox game to help celebrate Belly's 30th birthday! I was prety impressed with myself and lasted until the 7th inning! I was having pretty bad braxton hicks contractions all day. They have been getting progressively worse the past couple of days which means the end is near, I hear...We had such a gerat time and were so happy to send Belly off into his 30's.
PS- We do not think that Belly is an acceptable nickname for the svelte and buff Kent Bellgrau!
Mother's Day was a little surreal for me this year. I cannot believe that I will have a little one here soon that will call me "mommy", or, with any influence from my side of the family, "mama". Southerners never say mommy. We are "mama" kind of people.
We had every intention of going to church, however, sleep is hard to come by for me lately. I woke up at 3:30 or so on Sunday morning and couldn't fall back to sleep until 6 am...needless to say, I slept until after 9 am and felt amazing. I definitely think that insomnia is nature's way of getting you ready for having a hungry/cranky/tired baby. We had a wonderful brunch with the entire Vajda family! It was so nice to hang with everyone for Mother's Day. Later, the boys went to play golf and I cleaned as much as I could before running some errands. We topped off the night with sushi with Marko and Tiffany. It was a perfect Mother's Day!
I also wanted to post a picture of my 38 week belly! Look at how huge that bump is now....
Nursery is almost done..I think. We have a duvet coming for the guest bed in her room for visitors. Our chair just got in (yay!) so we will be picking that up this week hopefully! More items are on their way from PBK. I think we are almost there....once the chair is in, we will take pictures of the nursery to post!
Nicole, you are a HUGE trooper! You outlasted many of the boys and (not pregnant) girls at the game. Thanks so much for celebrating with us!