Daddy, Momma and Baby F. 5 months along....Beach House dinner. Delicious!

View from our hotel in Li'hue. If only the weather was worth a darn....

Last visit with my grandmother...

Saying "hello" to her new friends. Momma was crying by this point.

A real live princess came!

Ella joyfully proclaiming that she is "FREE"!!!! = "THREE"
Ella's happy that the princess is at her house! She did ask, immediately upon Aurora's arrival, "where is the king?!"

Outside craft table galore!

Ella's actual birthday. "Where are you", might you ask? Well, no place other than American Girl Store. Sigh. It starts.

Ella's birthday cake "cake cakes". AKA. Pancakes. These were a special recipe and it literally tasted like birthday cake. For real.
Ella and E-Pa. Love this picture.
Ella and Daddy on Easter.

Ella and Ben Bolger's first kiss. Caught (instructed, rather), on camera. Mondo Burrito in Santa Clara. Good times!
Momma and Ella post Easter Egg hunt. Sorry, I warned you these pics were way out of order!
Cousins! Alex and Ella playing while momma and daddy stayed wet in Hawaii.
My wonderful shower hostesses. Sigh. This pic is too small but hopefully you can make out these lovelies. Love them to pieces!

Baby Shower Decor....how cute! Lil' Man theme!

Ella joyfully proclaiming that she is "FREE"!!!! = "THREE"

Outside craft table galore!

Ella's birthday cake "cake cakes". AKA. Pancakes. These were a special recipe and it literally tasted like birthday cake. For real.

Ella and Ben Bolger's first kiss. Caught (instructed, rather), on camera. Mondo Burrito in Santa Clara. Good times!

Baby Shower Decor....how cute! Lil' Man theme!

It's been a very long time since I posted and things couldn't be more happening right now for us! Please forgive me as this is the reason I have been MIA. Since November the following things have happened:
1) Baby boy Francis is on his way! This isn't a surprise for those who know us, however. We are due August 17th and luckily for Baby F's momma, it's been SUPER HOT in Chicago. Like, record breakingly hot. Good times. As uncomfy as I am at 9 pm at night, I am still thankful for the sweet short weeks we have savoring Ella as an only child. She has a clue that her world is about to change and I hope to make the transition as easy as possible.
1) Baby boy Francis is on his way! This isn't a surprise for those who know us, however. We are due August 17th and luckily for Baby F's momma, it's been SUPER HOT in Chicago. Like, record breakingly hot. Good times. As uncomfy as I am at 9 pm at night, I am still thankful for the sweet short weeks we have savoring Ella as an only child. She has a clue that her world is about to change and I hope to make the transition as easy as possible.
2) Momma and Daddy took a trip to Hawaii in March and while we had a good time, the weather wasn't super accomodating. As in, torrential downpours and flooded hotels. Not the reception that we had envisioned for Kauai but, hey, we got away, just the 2 of us before big momma was super big momma status. We were able to spend time with family on the west coast and visit with dear friends, the Bolgers. Ella and Benny had a moment while on one of the rides. I see wedding bells in their future?! What wonderful in laws we would have in the Bolgers. I love me some Bolger.
3) We have had several house projects underway. From trimming out windows and installing moldings, to kitchen updates, to painting rooms, we have been busy. The nesting thing started for me about 2 seconds after taking a pregnancy test and we have been full throttle ever since! I will post some good before and afters once our kitchen is done....hopefully this week?? With our contractor, you never can tell....Bless his heart.
4) Our Ella DeLane turned THREE on May 31st. This shocks me to my core. She is the light of my life and continues to keep me on my toes and my heart full of joy every single day. She has such a sense of humor. The things that she comes up with just blows us away. She is adventurous but a little cautious. She is thoughtful and sweet but very opinionated and doesn't shy away from telling you what you should do or how you are doing something incorrectly. She is loving and tender and very concerned with other people's "owies". She lacks patience, which she inherited from her momma. She is my favorite part of the day, any time of the day. She wakes up chattering away about what is on her mind. Her sweet voice just melts my heart! I couldn't be more happy or blessed to be Ella's mommy.
5) We had a princess themed birthday party for our little princess, complete with a princess cake and real live princess appearance! She told the princess of her travels to Sea Worl and Disney World. Both of which, by the way, have never occured. She doesn't lack for an imagination, that's for sure!
6) My sweet girlfriends, Susan, Erica and Abby hosted an amazing shower for our little peanut! To say that it was fabulous is an understatement. The food, the tablescape, the details....everything was so beautiful! I am posting some but I am including a link to the pictures provided by Abby. See for yourself! These ladies outdid themselves. I am so grateful for their friendship. All of the girls that attended mean so much to me and to spend a Saturday afternoon celebrating this little guy warmed my heart.
7) Sadly, my grandmother passed away on July 3rd. We jetted to Atlanta to spend time with family and for the service. My grandmother had been in poor health for the past 3 years but the last year has been a year where my mom saw the drastic decline first hand. While I am sad that the kooky, loving and opinionated grandmother that doted on me for the past 30 years is gone, sad that I will never hear her answer her phone again with her signature "hello", sad that I can no longer get away with saying inappropriate things and her just die laughing and agreeing with me, sad that she won't meet our little guy in the flesh, I am more than happy that she is reunited with her sisters and parents in heaven. I know she is dancing, laughing, singing and back combing her frosted mane as I type. I already miss her so much.....
We still have 5+ weeks until this little guy comes and a lot still needs to be done! I will do my best to keep the blog updated a little better!
xoxos lovies.
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