About to lose it...feed me now!

Okay, I will sit still for a couple more seconds.....

Seriously? That's enough. I am ready for food.
Ella and Mommy after Abby's Shower......

Me and Abby!

In the hot seat....ready to open some lingerie!

Not looking too happy....

Still not sure about this.....
We have had a busy couple of weeks! Ella is now 10 weeks old. Scott feels like this time has flown by and in a lot of ways, it has. Most of y'all know that our Ella has been colicky. There have been many days that have dragged on and on...there have been many days where I just didn't know when she was going to start feeling better! But, after a long afternoon nap for Ella (2.5 hours!), I do feel like it has gone by really fast and I have really enjoyed our bonding time during her crying sessions. I will never get that time back!
She is soooo precious with all of the smiling and cooing lately. She and Daddy have a special bond already and everytime she sees Daddy, she starts "talking" to him. These conversations can last a little while. It is so wonderful to see her alert and happy!!! I am amazed at how wonderful a father Scott is. His patience and warmth aren't surprising to me in the least. I always knew that he would be an awesome dad. It really is special to see him with Ella.
We have had a great weekend! On Saturday night, I was able to get to Abby's lingerie shower at Mary's place! I LOVED seeing off Abby on her engaged lady night out. I wasn't able to stay out long as I had to get back to help Daddy with Ella's bottle feeding session. Wow. What. A. Challenge. I wish that someone would have told me to get my breastfed baby on a bottle no later than 6 weeks. GEtting her to take a bottle has been another one of our challenges. Hopefully, she will start taking one consistently!
Today, Beth and Kristen came over to see Ella and walk to lunch at Sweet Bean! So nice to see Kristen before her big day! She is having little Ryan in 11 days! I can't wait to see the little man. No doubt, he will be precious. We are thinking of you, Joe and Ryan, Kristen!
A nice night in for us on this Sunday night. It has been unbearably hot the past couple of days...90 degrees for the first time this summer. I think that we have had a pretty cool summer here in Chicago....can't wait to get down to muggy and hot Atlanta in just over a week!
My sister and niece are coming up to meet Ella on Tuesday! We can't wait to see more family....it will be sad to see them go! I wish everyone lived closer...
I hope everyone has a great week! Love and kisses from the Francis family....