Well, in between the lost post and now, I have had a birthday and celebrated in both Mexico and Chicago. I had an amazing time with 2 of my sweet girlfriends in Mexico. We danced, laughed, talked about kids, swam, ate guacamole, repeat. Ahh. I am still laughing from our fun times and wonderful memories made in Playa Del Carmen. I will post some oldie but goodies this weekend (I promise) from the last year that never seemed to make the blog. I only have a few Mexico pictures as they uploaded as a gif file? Hmmm. I have posted a few for you to view while I figure that all out...
It is March 30th (how'd this happen!?) and we are almost 2 months away from Ella's birthday. Can you believe our monkey will be 2?! We can't. She is so fun. I really love being with her. We chase each other and she demands that I act like "airpaaaannnne" and I more than oblige. She can be chased and play "airpppannne" for hours. She is really pushing her limits and ours but we are trying our best to show her who's boss. I fear that Scott will be the disciplinarian. I am not good when it comes to this sort of thing. I am trying to be better but who are we kidding? The dogs even know what's up and ignore everything I say unless there is a choke collar around their little furry necks. Seeing as how DCFS would be called to our house before we could say Chicago PD, I will opt to not explore this tactic on Ella D.
That's all for now, lovies. More pics to come this weekend.