Erica and Ryan- first dance!
Ella and Auntie Beth.

Custom Monogrammed Cupcake toppers

Yay. Erica and Ryan banner over the goods.

Spread with fun Amy Butler fabric napkins. Love AB fabric. Love.

Every guest got a mug with their initial along with a collection of teas and sugar rock candy stir stick (pink, of course).

Custom drink stirrers.

Custom Monogrammed Cupcake toppers

Yay. Erica and Ryan banner over the goods.

Spread with fun Amy Butler fabric napkins. Love AB fabric. Love.

Every guest got a mug with their initial along with a collection of teas and sugar rock candy stir stick (pink, of course).

Custom drink stirrers.

More artistic shot- thanks, Susan!

Family shot at Erica and Ryan's reception!

Beautiful bride walking down the aisle with her daddy. You can see her tearing up!

Ella couldn't contain her excitement!


Tired dancing queen.
She made some friends.
I have not been able to get to the blog lately. No excuses. Just the usual. Busy, time commitments, travel, family, you know. Please don't remove me from your blogger dashboard just yet!
It's already almost Thanksgiving. This is, hands down, my favorite time of the year. I still believe in the spirit of Santa and to see families come together to give thanks for one another and to celebrate the birth of our savior, all within a month of each other, is pretty neat.
Before I go on my what I am thankful rant (which would include so many things, God is so good to us!), I will touch on the beautiful wedding of Erica and Ryan! They have been married for over a month now- wow- and I haven't posted pictures!
The weekend started out a little rough for me and I ended up in the ER in transit to MI for the weekend- long story!- but it ended up being such a fun and full weekend; you could really feel the love from everyone there....I always come away from weddings renewed in my own commitment to Scott. I always say those vows to myself again and think of the amazing commitment that two people make to each other. No matter what, we be broke or in high cotton, we are going to stick it out and do the best we can by one another. Pretty amazing. It reminds me of the reason I married my best friend and I get all full of love and sentiment. Well, this witnessing of my dear friend repeating those vows wasn't lost on me. I was welling up and dabbing at my eyes, thinking that they looked so happy and in love! I was so honored to be apart of their special day!
Before the wedding, Susan, Sam, Ella and I ventured out to explore Grand Rapids; what a fun surprise! There was a lot going on as Art Prize was going on- it's an art contest, sorry, that was pretty apparent, I guess- and we just wandered around and shopped. It was really fun! A little girl time is always welcomed.
And then, the wedding! What a beautiful wedding and reception. It was elegant and beautiful, just like the bride! We had a great time and I think Ella entertained most of the guests on the dance floor. I have to say, I am pretty proud of her moves and her brazen display of putting herself out there! She really brought it. A couple of other kiddos joined in and it was a hoot! Ella continues to keep us on our toes and laughing along the way. She is just so fun and easy to be around. I am so proud of her! She was so good during the wedding reception and on the ride home.... We had such a fun time. The weekend went by too quickly...
What a fun weekend honoring such sweet friends.
I also posted pictures of Erica's shower which was so beautiful. I hosted along with her bridesmaids and it was so much fun! I hope y'all enjoy my pics as I reminisce about the past couple of months.