Fun in the pool with daddy...

Daddy and Ella playing on the deck....so sweet!

Ella just loves helping with the laundry...now, if only she could start pushing a vacccum...
Baby Galbut!

More proof of above referenced helpfulness.

Ahh, I heart Elmo.

Becoming somewhat picky?!

Stupid hand, foot, mouth disease!
Hi All,
It has been brought to my attention, ahem, that I have been negligent in posting. Yes, dear readers, I have been and for this, I am sorry!
Where does one begin? We have had, in the following order:
1. Becky's shower! I still need to post pictures- these pictures are trapped in my mother-in-law's camera. I will post as soon as Peggy masters the uploading process.
2. Birth of Hudson MacKenzie Galbut- our new nephew! He is perfect and precious. Baby and momma are doing well. Momma could use more sleep, honey, I feel your pain! Picture of Hudson below.
3. Impromptu trip to Atlanta for the 4th. We needed to get down south to check on a few things and spend time with Gram and E-Pa. Nice to escape the cit-ay.
4. Double Date this past Saturday- so fun! We got to hang out with the Lonardos on Saturday night and had a blast. Can't wait to do it again.
Nothing to do substantive this weekend which is fabbo. A little R&R is just what we need after a crazy past 2 months! Ella is just getting over hand, foot and mouth disease. Yuck. We are healed and looking forward to laying low.
Loves and kisses,
Nicole and Ella