We have had a busy couple of weekends! 2 weekends ago, our dear friends visited us from Monterey, Ca! Scott went to school with Jeff and Jen and I forged a friendship and how lucky I am to have a friend in Jen (and Jeff)! We were so excited to hear that they'd be headed out to Chicago to visit. Unfortunately, our little love bug got her first ever ear infection. So sad. 3 days of a fever of 103.5 totally wasn't cool. We were alternating tylenol and ibuprofen with the best of them. And then, of course, we find out the hard way that Elle is allergic to penicillin! She can't catch a break. We felt so bad for the little nugget. It only took us 1 week, 3 trips to the ped and 2 peds looking at her to figure out the allergic reaction. Sweet. But, I digress...
Bolgers! Yes, the bolgers. We had an awesome time. They are a hoot. We were so glad to see Ben finally! We feel like we know him via their blog, thebolgerfamily.blogspot.com, and were thrilled to meet him in person! Such a cutie! We went out to dinner in Roscoe Village and braved the drunkies and crazies for the Cubs game. We had a ball! Ella and Ben were awesome! I am totally up for taking Ella to another Cubs game. She was amazing. As long as our girl has food stuffs, she is money. I like her style.
We loved having you, Bolgers! We cannot wait to hang out this summer in California!
As for Momma's Day, Ella and Scotty took good care of me. Flowers, cards and facials. The trifecta, really. I had a nice day and got to go to J.Crew. By myself.
Pretty neat. We went for a walk to the park and Ella took a ride in the baby swing for the first time! You can see from the pictures that she loved it....she is becoming more and more like kid everyday and less like the baby I first met almost a year ago. I love her feisty, sweet self to pieces. The 2 loves of my life made my day perfect. I love you both so much! I love you both more than I could ever fully describe. I am so lucky to be your momma, Ella, and wife to your precious and adoring daddy.
We are gearing up for our trip to the Isle of the Sea (Sea Island)for the blessed nuptials of Kadee and Ryan. Kadee is my dear friend/college roommate/sorority sister. How are we this old, Kadee? It's like only yesterday we were laying around in our Baxter townhouse and you making me watch movies that I had never seen, and me actually enjoying those 80s classics. We had such fun with Britney Spears dance parties before going out in Athens. Do you remember the night we went to Drive By Truckers concert and I actually gave them our home number?! Wow, what a blast from the past. I had the best time with you and can't wait for the fun to just begin for you as a married woman. All the love and best to you, dear friend! I might be miles away but I think of you tons...
I will have TONS of pics to post from the wedding weekend. My parents are meeting us on St. Simons Island! It will be so nice to be with family and friends this weekend. Can't ask for much more....
Love and hugs to all of you!